Thursday, April 8, 2010

Im 14 mega-pixels deep and 1080 bound ready to be a tourist everywhere I go.

Im super duper happy because this here blog will now be back hard in effect fully stocked . Im 14 mega-pixels deep and 1080 bound ready to be a tourist everywhere I go. I cant show you amazing clothing industry pictures every day but YES, I can sometimes... niggardly. So if your courage is opposing the hate, then spread the love, because this is where LOVE resides in 2010! On another note I ran into Tony today at the park. Crazy right, yes it happend. He was hot-boxin all Jordan'd out just chillin, told me he was going to his car and decided to smoke. Thats when he got cotton mouth went to the store real quick and just straight left, with no good bye's. Thank Tony thats what friends are for, Lol. All is good. Peace tho!

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